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Minerals(ZHI16 Remix)

Minerals(ZHI16 Remix)

Minerals(ZHI16 Remix) 歌词

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所属专辑:Minerals Remixes
歌曲:Minerals(ZHI16 Remix) mp3
Minerals(ZHI16 Remix) TRUETRUE歌词
作词:Eliot Lee李伯翰
作曲:Eliot Lee 李伯翰; Chuchu Wen温楚楚
编曲:Eliot Lee李伯翰
I can never tell a story bout a life I’ve never had (我从不虚假 )
Spare me with the mandatory rules I’m already bad (原谅我的桀骜不驯 我不是什么好人 )
Who knows what a butterfly could do to a hurricane (谁都不曾想过一只蝴蝶会带来一场飓风)
Who knows who knows who knows (谁知道呢)
That loving greatly is a rite that can kill me on a daily (爱情有如将我自己放上祭台的盛典)
But it never changed a thing (但这一切毫无意义)
And even though that we both (即便我们各自)
Play it dirty in the shadow oh sister (心怀鬼胎)
But don’t you know (但你不知道吗)
It’s just a show
That were putting on to settle our shivers (这都只是为了抚平我们颤抖 而上演的一场秀)
We load it up with minerals minerals (我们装满矿石)
Like were holding those alchemical rituals (彷如举行炼金仪式)
And we dressing up like biblical criminals (我们穿戴上圣经里罪人的着装)
Believe in something fictional fictional (却期待着得不到的美好幻象)
We (are) counting on those minerals minerals (我们指望那些矿石)
To bring about emotional overflows (带给我们心潮涌动)
We dressing up like biblical criminals (我们穿戴上圣经里罪人的着装 )
Believe that we are bridgeable, fixable (却期待可以破镜重圆)
Look at me look at me I put on a show (看看我)
Making beats inside the walls of Jericho (在耶利哥城墙内写歌)
Who knows what a single girl to do to a massacre (谁都不曾想过一个女孩能带来一场杀戮)
Who knows who knows who knows (谁知道呢)
That loving greatly is a rite that can kill me on a daily (爱情有如将我自己放上祭台的盛典)
But it never changed a thing (但这一切毫无意义)

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