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Paperman 歌词

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所属专辑:Lost & Found
歌曲:Paperman mp3
Paperman 杨永聪歌词
Youre just the paper man, youre yesterdays news,
Youre full of stories, not one of them is true;
Oh dont forget about all of my worries or my strife,
You’ll bear in mind all that was done wrong,
but nothing that was right;

Words red ruby, cut right through me,
Paper ships sail on scarlet tides,
I cant run and I cant hide, sinking in plain sight,
Your words cut me now....
they crush me now...
they weigh me down...
Just the paper man, my fingers are black from your filth,
Your hands are stained red, blood money pays your bills;

Oh dont forget about all of your money or your pride,
Ill bear in mind all that you’ve done wrong,
You’ve never done what was right;
Oh sticks and stones may break my bones,
but the weight of your words has drowned me.
Yeah, they weigh me down, Yeah, they cross my bows,
Under the weight of your words,
I sink down,

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