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My Little Lillith

My Little Lillith

My Little Lillith 歌词

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歌曲:My Little Lillith mp3
My Little Lillith dayDream歌词
dayDream – My Little Lilith
曲: dayDream
詞: Daeren Tan
OP: Six Peace Records
SP: Universal Music Publishing Sdn Bhd
Verse 1
That little whisper in my head,
Instigations from within,
Decisions all over again.
Insatiably longing for you,
You’ll always be a part of me,
We’ll never let them know the truth.
Pre Chorus
Hey my little Lilith,
Let’s fool them all peasants,
One by one, till we’re gone.

Hey my dear little Lilith,
We’re gonna take over the world.
Forgive us for taking,
Forsaken your living,
Leave us alone.
Forgive us when we’re down,
For it wasn’t our fault,
Not us (please love us)
Verse 2
As you grow inside of me,
My hunger is fed by charity,
A secret between you and me.

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