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A reason not to stay

A reason not to stay

A reason not to stay 歌词

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歌手:Tamas Wells
歌曲:A reason not to stay mp3
A reason not to stay Tamas Wells歌词
1. A reason not to stay
Apricots to jam and skin too dark to tan
And a band that seemed to wind
Whenever she declined
And said “nothing more, nothing more”.
It was the first time that I made up
A reason not to stay
And the curtains that we tore
Were maybe from the First World War.
Some days unravel, some days I find
There’s reason only about half the time
It would be na?ve to guarantee.
I can see appeal in a dressing table
She took from Manly to the bay
And sat there with a grey Labrador
When there was nothing more.
It was the first time that I made up
A reason not to stay
And the curtains that we tore
Were maybe from the First World War.
Some days unravel, some days I find
There’s reason only about half the time
It would be na?ve to guarantee.

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