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He And She

He And She

He And She 歌词

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歌曲:He And She mp3
He And She 挂在盒子上歌词
He And She
作词:Gia Wang
作曲:Hang on the box
主唱&合成器:Gia Wang 贝司:北北 键盘:XuMing 鼓手:杨扬
He and she
should I call him: he or she?
I am confused,misty me
I dont really think you dont like girls
I just dont know why u dont have feels with me
Ice cream is delicious
There nothing can be lose
He always covers self with a mystery face
But shes a child
Male chameleon will make his color from dark to bright
Others seem grey if they around him
When the chameleon changes green to red,is a warning sign,or its a gentleman
He wonders every love
And he won
Boys love him
Girls love him

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