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Passion 歌词

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歌曲:Passion mp3
Passion 张竞月歌词

There is a place like the blue sky in my dreams
I’ll take you there, just hold on to my hand
With dedication you teach me day by day
Your guidance has made me what I am today
And every day you teach me to be sure.
You give me confidence to grow strong without fear
You open up the roads for creativity
You give me passion to be the best I can be.
There’s a star
Guiding me
Leading me through the years
Of this new century
In my heart
I am sure
There’s a passion for learning
Right in here
I’ll be the best I can be
With the knowledge that you have given me
I will strive, I’ll stay strong
Creating new chapters as I go along
And every day you teach me to be sure.
You give me confidence to grow strong without fear
You open up the roads for creativity
You give me passion to be the best I can be.
There’s a star
Guiding me
Leading me through the years
Of this new century
In my heart
I am sure
There’s a passion for learning
Right in here
I’ll be the best I can be
With the knowledge that you have given me
I will strive, I’ll stay strong
Creating new chapters as I go along
Creating new chapters as I go along

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