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Back In The Day

Back In The Day

Back In The Day 歌词

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歌曲:Back In The Day mp3
Back In The Day BLACK FLOW歌词
Black In The Day
混音师:Jarome Matthew
什么时候我们 开始不再那么契合
渐行渐远的感情像 像是得了一场病了
言语之间递增 冰冷的气氛
甚至利用锋利的话 指责互相像是敌人 敌人
是否 爱着的疑问 没有人去认证
一味地讨伐彼此 因为出于不信任
愤怒让人无视它 从此那身影不在
是你天真的 无聊消遣
成为夜里落寞的怀念 我踌躇不前
停在回忆边缘 oh babe oh babe
Can we back in the day
Back in the day
Can we back in the day
Just wanna back in the day
Back in the day
Just wanna back in the day
就算世界开始下坠(Just wanna back in the day)
车内空荡荡的座位 (Just wanna back in the day)
回望当初坚持的 错与对 无所谓
尊严只是在防卫 我们惨败 但也胜得狼狈
(Just wanna back in the day)
I been up all night
I said It boy:can u forget it
I Dont wanna think about that
Cant do it like that
Kiss it kiss its better baby
If we talk little more
Stay little more
We could sorted out ,wipe it out
Turn around and get it out
I dont wanna lose you
I dont wanna lose you
Do you still love me
Can we back in the day
Back in the day
Can we back in the day
Just wanna back in the day
Back in the day
Just wanna back in the day
No we cant back in the day
Back in the day
We cant back in the day ~~
Wish we could back in the day
Back in the day
Wish we could back in the day.
Just let it be
就算世界开始下坠 (Just wanna back in the day)
车内空荡荡的座位 (Just wanna back in the day)
回望当初坚持的 错与对 无所谓
尊严只是在防卫 我们惨败 但也胜得狼狈
(Just wanna back in the day)
过往的细节 反复播放重现
一次次受伤 一次次遗忘 一次次不安 累计太满
停止对自己的欺骗 这样的反悔始终晚了
Just wanna back in the day
Can we back in the day
Back in the day
Can we back in the day
Just wanna back in the day
Back in the day
Just wanna back in the day
No we cant back in the day
Back in the day
We cant back in the day ~~
Wish we could back in the day
Back in the day
Wish we could back in the day.
Just let it be
Back in the day
Back in the day
Back in the day
Back in the day

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