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Turn Back The Time - 刘锋

Turn Back The Time - 刘锋

Turn Back The Time - 刘锋 歌词

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歌曲:Turn Back The Time - 刘锋 mp3
Turn Back The Time - 刘锋 音乐梦想计划歌词
《Turn back the time》
编曲:Dave Zimmerman
If I am sad I see the joy in the past
If I am lonely
I hear the voices in the distance
When looked from the back side
Second hand would go counter clock wise
Turn back the time be young and afraid of nothing
Turn back the time like children with no worries
Every round the hand refreshes memories
Turn back the time return to the childhood dream
Turn back the time be young and afraid of nothing
Turn back the time like children with no worries
Every round the hand refreshes memories
Turn back the time return to the childhood dream
Turn back the time be young and afraid of nothing
Turn back the time like children with no worries
Every round the hand refreshes memories
Turn back the time return to the childhood dream
Turn back the time return to the childhood dream

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