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Worst Nytemare

Worst Nytemare

Worst Nytemare 歌词

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歌曲:Worst Nytemare mp3
Worst Nytemare LEON ROCKMORE歌词
Worst Nytemare
词曲(Lyricist Songwriter):RIBKAT
We all chase Illusions your brain’s in a chamber of wasted music
And a crisis like this makes you lose it
That’s why when I spit creation blooms in the air
See I don’t wanna test a felony I’d rather write a rhyme
And inject the energy, uplift the innovative circuit
Let em believe that an MC like me has purpose
Ok unroll the carpet, see my words luminate
And glow i n the darkness, I’m much too intelligent
Stop the nonsense and deal with the fact
That my flowin is awesome
I’m known for my own so I make you listen
Until your eyes roll back and you paint the picture
I’m a creature sent from a different time zone
An equinox off the 8th dimension
Worst nytemare….Worst nyte
Worst nytemare…Worst nyte
“You tell yourself it’s over and there’s nothing left
you blame it on whoever plus the government
but there’s another side that tells you not to let it go
so now you’re stuck between impossible and never know
“You tell yourself it’s over and there’s nothing left
you blame it on whoever plus the government
but there’s another side that tells you not to let it go
so now you’re stuck between impossible and never know
Ok unroll the carpet, see my words luminate
And glow i n the darkness, I’m much too intelligent
Stop the nonsense and deal with the fact
That my flowin is awesome
I’m known for my own so I make you listen
Until your eyes roll back and you paint the picture
I’m a creature sent from a different time zone
An equinox off the 8th dimension
Worst nytemare….Worst nyte
Worst nytemare…Worst nyte
“You tell yourself it’s over and there’s nothing left
you blame it on whoever plus the government
but there’s another side that tells you not to let it go
so now you’re stuck between impossible and never know
“You tell yourself it’s over and there’s nothing left
you blame it on whoever plus the government
but there’s another side that tells you not to let it go
so now you’re stuck between impossible and never know

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