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I'm Ganna Leave

I'm Ganna Leave

I'm Ganna Leave 歌词

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歌曲:I'm Ganna Leave mp3
I'm Ganna Leave 丝绒公路歌词
I'm Gonna Leave / 我将离开
词作者:金晖 曲作者:金晖 编曲人: 金晖 制作 人:荆极 主唱:金晖 录音版本时长:3:15 录音室:Undernights Records
I'm Gonna Leave 我将离开
回到你失败的阴影之中去 或者 你可以选择重新站起来
Back to the shadow of failure or you can choose to buck up again.
但现在这都已经不再和我有关系 因为我已不再像从前一样傻
it doesn't matter to me because I am not that fool anymore.
我将离开你 我不想再听那些幼稚的谎言
I’m gonna leave you. I don’t want to hear those lies anymore.
没人能拯救你 你就像这罪恶都市一样 正走向灭亡
No one can save you, you will be destroyed just like this city of sins.
我早已厌倦生活在这里 一切都让我感到很恶心
I am tired of living in here , everything makes me feel so sick.
我要找到属于我的地方 然后远离那些白痴
I 'll find the place where I am belonged, and stay away from morons like you.
Tonight tonight
我将离开你 在我暴起之前最好停止你的抱怨和说教
I’m gonna leave you you’d better stop it before I beat you again.
没人能拯救你 生活不会去等待一个只会幻想的人
No one can save you, life will never wait for daydreamers like you.

我醒了 迎来一个全新的生活
I wake up, a brand new life.
这很刺激 去颠覆所有从前你肯定的事情
It is exciting to overthrow the things you believed before.
我醒来了 迎来一个全新的开始
I wake up a brand new start
现在我站出来 因为不想混吃等死
I am standing out now because I don’t want to wait and die.

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