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Queen of the Snow Land

Queen of the Snow Land

Queen of the Snow Land 歌词

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所属专辑:Where Luna Awakened
歌曲:Queen of the Snow Land mp3
Queen of the Snow Land Skyline歌词
Queen of the Snow Land
Be a quarter to write a role
Get the moon and sway the tail
Pretend to be a queen stirring for the campaign
Soothing feel becomes a ring
Soon they can land on the bay
Soon they'll drive thy away
Until the day we can move to another terrain

We cannot shrink the brave
Now i know thy all be afraid
And never learnt to obey
Until the way we cannot be horribly flayed
White land shines pure tale
Be a quarter to write a role
Get the moon and sway the tail
Pretend to be a queen stirring for the campaign
Soothing feel becomes a ring
When the sun takes away the shine
I can't get through the rhythm
Change a way to steel thy cyclone
Before the storm before the crime
Soon they can land on the bay
Soon they'll drive thy away
Until the day we can move to another terrain

We cannot shrink the brave
We're the treasure of this land
No one can easily instead
With the most sanguinary campaign
Finally we saw the change
Though the sun is shining blood
Though the sky can merely see the stars
We'll never stop the fighting
We are the queen of the land.

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