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艺 人:The DEY
名 称:

一震撼乐坛的两男一女混搭组合,融入美声节奏蓝调、动人流行曲式、热情拉丁舞韵、街头嘻哈律动、世界种族音乐等元素,The DEY更精通两种语言,故于创作上以英语和西班牙文交替运用,却与乐迷间毫无障碍的透过音符传递那些动人旋律。    由Divine、Elan、Yeyo等三人所组成的The DEY,成军前彼此互不认识,却对音乐有着相同理念,在2005年决定携手勇闯歌坛。随即到了Yeyo位于迈阿密的录音室灌制一些DEMO带,顺利得到Epic主流大厂赏识,先于2007年推出首张四首歌的EP《The DEY Has Come》,其中单曲《Give You The World》打入饶舌榜Top22席次,受邀雷鬼乐界天才小子Sean Kingston的《There’s Nothing》, 以及节奏蓝调界新漂亮宝贝Paula DeAnda的《Walk Away(Remember Me)》等畅销作品中助阵,赢得更多瞩目焦点。主唱及饶舌手相互对应,吸收来自不同文化的血液、音源,伴随派对欢乐节拍流窜至全身,新世纪嘻哈乐团The D.E.Y.就此诞生!    洗礼过后,完整录音室专辑《The DEY Has Come》终于问市,请来超级制作黄金组合JR Rotem、Timbaland、Stargate、Fernando Garibay连手打造。宣泄拉丁+嘻哈/饶舌气息的《Ya Llego》,清脆吉他拨奏甚是动听,参加饶舌帮腔的Fatman Scoop,曾协助Missy Elliott的《Lose Control》而获葛莱美「最佳饶舌歌曲」提名;率先闯出知名度的《Give You The World》一并珍藏,取样Earth Wind & Fire的经典《Fantasy》;灌进Everything But The Girl咸鱼大翻身的《Missing》的《And I Miss You》以及动听指数满点的《She Said》,入选首波双A单曲,漂浮在和缓顺畅韵律之中,相信能赢取流行界的欢迎;性感火辣的《Get The Feeling》,串起电子强烈激流,碰撞出舞池最HOT火花;散发诱惑无比的异国情调之《Dame Un Momento》,拼贴出中东与西方时髦韵脚;《No Looking Back》、《Taken》都是耐听的优质抒情小品集 by Marisa Brown Though the trio of musicians who make up the DEY didn't grow up together, their interests, both personal and musical, were similar enough that when they eventually met they knew immediately that they should work together. MC Divine, who was born and spent much of his life in the South Bronx but moved to Puerto Rico in 1998, had first met singer Élan Luz Rivera (who grew up in New York and made her first appearance on Broadway by age 16, when she played Cookie in the musical The Capeman) at Miami's Soulfrito Festival in the early 2000s, where they were both performing, but it wasn't until 2005 that they were introduced again. By this time, Divine had already hooked up with Yeyo, a Puerto Rican MC who had made splashes in the island's underground hip-hop scene in 1999 when he released the politically charged "Viequez," and with whom he had connected instantly (the night they met they recorded a song that ended up on the radio). Calling themselves the DEY, the three went into Yeyo's Miami studio, where they began working on their own material, a combination of urban R&B, Latin, hip-hop, and pop meant to have cross-cultural (and language) appeal. Signed to Epic, they began recording the tracks that would end up on both their EP, The DEY Has Come (2007), and their debut full-length, but not before co-writing and performing in singer Paula DeAnda's song "Walk Away." 更多>>

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