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艺 人:Markus Schulz
名 称:

马库斯舒尔茨是德国迷幻音乐DJ和制作人,目前居住在美国佛罗里达州的迈阿密。他以每周电台“全球广播的DJ”著名,在电台播出。他也是the EDM label Coldharbour Recordings的创始人。 Markus也是一个天才混音师,他最为人称道的一点就是remix的功力,而他也乐在其中,"有的时候我很喜欢某一首歌,但是却和我的DJ set不是很合,这时毫无疑问的,我会花几天的时间在录音室,为这首歌加入额外的音色或旋律,让这首歌能够和我的DJ set有更完美的搭配。"Markus这样说。 当不在录音室为他的DJ set重混歌曲时,Markus还是忙于跟许多唱片厂牌或艺人合作,为他们构思或混音,Markus和许多各类型的艺人合作过,像是Jewel、Oceanlab、Gabriel & Dresden、Karada、Telepopmusik、Fat Boy Slim、Miro、Book Of Love、Depeche Mode、Everything But The Girl、Madonna、Blue Amazon和PQM等等,他为Jewel重新混音的两首歌"Intuition"和"Stand",在Billboard舞曲榜的最佳名次都是第一名。Markus总是能将他敏锐的音乐直觉表现在他那既敏感又喜怒无常的mix之中。 Markus的作品也在许多知名的电音舞曲厂牌下发行,Electronic Elements、Armada、Anjunabeats、Lost Language、Yoshitoshi、Global Underground、Renaissance、Bedrock、EVE、Tide和Skint等,繁族不及备载。我们可以在许多其他知名DJ的混音专辑或现场演出中听到他以Markus Schulz本名或化名"Himmel"和"Dakota"所作的单曲,"Clear Blue"、"You Won"t See Me Cry"、"Lost in Brixton"、"Swirl"和"Celebrate Life"等曲目早已成为许多DJ唱片箱中的必要收藏。 然而Markus最爱的,还是DJ,他曾在亚利桑那州凤凰城当地的舞场驻场达7年之久,在那里他也渐渐发展出他的独特DJ风格,走上国际舞台后,Ibiza的El Divino、San Francisco的Spundae、 Toronto的The Guvernment和London的Prologue都成为他行程的必经之地,而他目前在迈阿密的Space驻场。当国外演行程排满他的日历之后,Markus也迅速成为这个星球上不容忽视的后起之秀。 如果说Hernan Cattaneo是Progressive派系的古典诗人,那么Markus Schulz则无疑可以称得上Trance流的华彩画匠。这位另类的德国人一直致力于用温柔华丽的旋律来诠释自己的浪漫情怀,感动着越来越多的善男信女,排名自然也是节节攀升。如此这般的气势蔓延,来年进入前10也是顺理成章。 Markus Schulz is a German trance music DJ and producer who currently resides in Miami, Florida, USA. He is best-known for his weekly radio show entitled "Global DJ Broadcast" that airs on Digitally Imported radio. Producing Schulz has released three remix albums and two artist albums. Through his work with remix tracks, he has had the opportunity to work with such artists as: Depeche Mode, Madonna, Everything But The Girl, Jewel, Oceanlab, Gabriel & Dresden, Karada, Telepopmusik, Fat Boy Slim, Miro, Book Of Love, Blue Amazon, and PQM.[1] His remixes of "Intuition" and "Stand" by Jewel both hit #1 on the Billboard club chart. Performing When not in the studio working on new mixes, Schulz maintains an extensive international touring schedule. He originally held a seven-year residency at The Works in Phoenix, Arizona, where he developed his style. Since then, he has performed at clubs all over the world and has DJ'ed at several festivals and events, including: Nature One, Dance Valley, Monster Massive, Together As One, Love Parade, Global Gathering, ETD Pop, Bang Music Festival, Future Music Festival[1] and at Episode 350 of A State Of Trance. 更多>>

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