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艺 人:Norah Jones
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Norah Jones出生于音乐世家,父亲是著名的印度席塔琴演奏家Ravi Shankar。在达拉斯的Booker T. Washington高中,学习钢琴和表演的时候,她沉醉到了爵士乐中,结束了在北德克萨斯的两年大学生活以后,Norah Jones来到了纽约,纽约的音乐氛围令Norah Jones激动不已。在这里Norah Jones开始热衷于一些出色的词曲作者的作品,也是在这里,她逐渐形成了目前爵士钢琴,创作型的风格,并开始尝试多种音乐风格的融合。后来Norah Jones和词曲作者Jesse Harris,以及贝斯手Lee Alexander组成了一支小乐队,Norah Jones在乐队中担任主唱并兼奏钢琴。2000年10月Blue Note Records为他们录制了一张试音专辑《First Sessions》,Norah在专辑中尽情展示了自己的才华,在创作中她在源于爵士乐的曲调中加入了自己的激情,并用自己圆润,柔美的嗓音打动了唱片公司,于是仅过了三个月Norah Jones正式签约Blue Note Records,并于2002年2月26日发布了第一张专辑《Come Away With Me》。 Norah Jones获得了2003年葛莱美最佳新人奖,《COME AWAY WITH ME》获得了年度专辑奖,最佳流行乐演唱专辑,《Don't Know Why》获得了年度最佳唱片奖,和最佳年度单曲奖,Norah Jones因《Don't Know Why》获得了最佳流行女歌手奖。 1979年3月30日出生于美国纽约,拥有超龄的才华与甜美温柔的歌声。20岁不到便赢得著名爵士杂志《Down Beat》学生爵士奖的“最佳演唱”及“最佳编曲”奖。她的出现让久未有惊喜的爵士乐坛,灌注了一丝青春活力。 一直以来,诺拉琼丝都被归类为爵士歌手,而在流行音乐挂帅的西洋歌坛,爵士是小众音乐,但诺拉琼丝改变了这一点,她的「远走高飞」专辑全球创下六百万张的销售量,在中国台湾也有接近白金唱片(三万张)的销售数字,葛莱美奖入围公布後,她的专辑更打败众多流行音乐,登上告示牌专辑榜的冠军。 23岁的诺拉琼丝去年发行首张专辑《远走高飞》为她赢得年度最佳唱片、最佳专辑、最佳新人、最佳流行女歌手、最佳流行专辑等五项个人大奖。此专辑还获颁年度最佳歌曲、非古典类最佳录音工程专辑以及非古典类年度制作人三个奖项。 在流行乐大量充斥东西方乐坛的情况之下,其他类型的音乐似乎成为乐坛中的弱势族群,但这不代表这些音乐将因此而殆尽,仍有许多出色的音乐人默默作出好音乐,诺拉琼丝就是一位将梦想付诸实现的歌手。 从小接受音乐的薰陶、15岁即主修表演、还曾连续两年获得Down Beat学生音乐奖"最佳爵士歌手的Norah Jones,拥有一副彷佛来自天上的好声音。这位来自美国的年轻女孩,少了一份大都会的娇纵世故,却多了几许清新古典气质,再加上她出色的琴艺、独特的嗓音、以及创作才华,俨然成为本世纪初最闪耀的一颗新星。 Sultry vocalist and pianist Norah Jones developed her unique blend of jazz and traditional vocal pop with hints of bluesy country and contemporary folk due in large part to her unique upbringing. Born March 30, 1979, in New York City, the daughter of Ravi Shankar quietly grew up in Texas with her mother. While she always found the music of Billie Holiday and Bill Evans both intriguing and comforting, she didn't really explore jazz until attending Dallas' Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. During high school, Jones won the Down Beat Student Music Awards for Best Jazz Vocalist and Best Original Composition in 1996, and earned a second Best Jazz Vocalist award in 1997. Putting her vocal talents on the back burner, Jones worked toward earning a degree in jazz piano at the University of North Texas for two years before accepting a friend's offer of a summer sublet in Greenwich Village during the summer of 1999. Although she fully intended to return to college that fall, the lure of the folk coffeehouses and jazz clubs proved too strong and she soon became inspired to write her own songs. Jones appeared regularly with the trip-hop-electronica band Wax Poetic and assembled her own group around songwriters Jesse Harris (guitar) and Lee Alexander (bass), with Dan Rieser on drums. In October of 2000, the group recorded a handful of demos for Blue Note Records and on the strength of these recordings, Jones signed to the jazz label in early 2001. Following an appearance on Charlie Hunter's Songs from the Analog Playground, Jones spent much of 2001 performing live with Hunter's group and working on material for her debut. Come Away with Me, recorded by Craig Street (Cassandra Wilson, Manhattan Transfer, k.d. lang) and legendary producer Arif Mardin (Aretha Franklin, Dusty Springfield, the Bee Gees), was released in early 2002 and garnered much public attention. The combination of her striking beauty and the fact that she was the daughter of an internationally renowned musician placed Jones in the awkward position of defending her music from those who dismissed her as another pretty face (the same argument used by those opposed to Diana Krall) and/or another riding the coattails of her musical royal heritage (see Natalie Cole, Miki Coltrane, Corey Parker). Although not by any stretch a "jazz" album (the label chose to call it "jazz-informed"), it featured jazz guitarist Bill Frisell and session drummer Brian Blade, and indicated a new direction for Blue Note combining jazz aesthetics and talent with a pop sensibility. Come Away with Me eventually went multi-platinum, selling 18 million copies worldwide and winning Jones eight Grammy awards. In 2004, Jones released her highly anticipated follow-up album, Feels Like Home. Pairing once again with producer Arif Mardin, Jones pursued a similar approach to Come Away with Me, mixing '70s singer/songwriter-style tracks with blues, country, and her own mellow take on piano jazz. In 2003, Jones played in a group called the Little Willies along with Lee Alexander (bass), Richard Julian (guitar/vocals), Dan Rieser (drums), and Jim Campilongo (guitar), playing covers of classic American music like Hank Williams, Willie Nelson, and Kris Kristofferson. This one-off performance ultimately turned into sporadic shows at the venue whenever their individual schedules would allow, slowly incorporating original songs into their set along the way. In time, the Little Willies began considering the release of a live album, but instead wound up documenting their sound in the recording studio. Milking Bull Records issued the resultant self-titled album in March 2006. Late in the year the single "Thinking About You" announced her return to her solo career. It landed on the album Not Too Late, released in early 2007. 更多>>

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