by Chris True A highly philosophical experimental black metal band from France, Deathspell Omega hesitated taking on the traditional roles of a rock (or for that matter, a metal band) band too strongly, never putting into stone the exact make-up of the roster, or promoting its work through an official website. The group released its material through the Norma Evangelium Diaboli label, and discussed work in interviews in a serious -- and almost academic -- ideological tone. Deathspell Omgea released their first two albums, Infernal Battles and Inquisitors of Satan in 2000 and 2002 respectively. But it was to be their next release that garnered them the most attention, both commercially and critically. The first of what was to be a trilogy of work, Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice (translated from the Latin: If You Seek His (capital H') Monument, Look Around) was a departure from the group's early both in structure and in production. In 2007, the group released the next chapter of the trilogy, Fas -- Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum (translated from the Latin: Divine Law -- Depart From Me, Ye Cursed Into Everlasting Fire) to more acclaim, including being named the album of the year by UK metal magazine Terrorizer. Known members Hasjari, Mikko Aspa, and Khaos also released a number of split albums with other artists, such as Clandestine Blaze, Moonblood, and Malicious Secrets. 更多>>