Jesse Cook 出生于法国巴黎,父母为加拿大人,他早年成长于充满文化艺术氛围的法国南部和西班牙。3岁时就伴随着他母亲的Flamenco录音弹奏一把玩具吉他。后随父母返回加拿大,6岁时进入闻名遐迩的Eli Kassner吉他学院。在此后16年的学习生涯里他还在多伦多皇家音乐学院,约克大学,及波士顿的Berklee音乐学院深造过。Jesse Cook 还曾重返法国及西班牙去重新探索他童年时期充满神秘的Flamenco,此间他遍访生活于安达露西亚,科多巴,格拉那达和马德里的吉他大师。返回加拿大后,他成为一个成功的作曲家,为舞蹈,剧院,多媒体,电视及电影创作,作品风格多变涉及古典及Rap。 by John Bush Canadian rumba flamenco artist Jesse Cook has blended the exotic Spanish music form with elements of new age, jazz, and easy listening on his releases for Narada Records. Signed to the label in 1994, he produced his debut, Tempest, one year later. Gravity, released in 1996, hit the Top Ten on the new age charts. Two years following, Vertigo was released and Free Fall appeared in mid-2000. In 2003 Nomad came out, followed by the live album Montréal in 2004. Though it was started conceptually in 2005, Cook didn't issue his next studio album, Frontiers, which marked a return to his initial simpler production style, until 2007. 更多>>