Alternative CCM 风格的摇滚乐队Skillet成立于田纳西州的Memphis,主唱兼贝斯手John Copper,吉他手Ken Steorts 和鼓手Trey McClurkin。1996年发行首张同名专辑LP,两年后的Hey you和2000年的I love your soul专辑相继出世,同年,收录了三首歌曲的Ardent Worship Live专辑也趁热打铁般地和歌迷见面了!2001年,以全新阵容:Cooper贝斯手兼主唱,他的妻子Korey Cooper吉他兼键盘手,Basica吉他手,Lori Peters鼓手站在世界舞台上的Skillet发行了在Ardent Records唱片公司的Alien Youth专辑,2003年的Collide专辑也由同一东家Ardent推出! by Jason Ankeny & Steve Leggett Alternative CCM rockers Skillet formed in Memphis, TN, around the nucleus of lead singer and bassist John Cooper, guitarist Ken Steorts, and drummer Trey McClurkin. Debuting in 1996 with a self-titled LP, the trio returned two years later with Hey You, I Love Your Soul. Invincible followed in early 2000, and the group contributed three tracks to the Ardent Worship: Skillet Live compilation that same year. With a new lineup of Cooper on bass and lead vocals, his wife Korey Cooper on guitar and keyboards, Ben Kasica on guitar, and Lori Peters on drums, Skillet released Alien Youth on Ardent Records in 2001, followed by Collide, also on Ardent, in 2003. The latter album was then picked up by Lava/Atlantic and reissued the following year with a bonus track. Collide went on to be the band's best-selling album to date (even earning them a Grammy nomination), and the band supported the record on tours with bands like Saliva and Shinedown. Skillet's next effort for the label, Comatose, appeared in fall 2006. 更多>>