前真命天女成员LeToya单飞后终于取得了成功,她的单曲Torn目前在Billboard杂志的单曲排行榜上名列第二。 LeToya曾有几年一直远离乐坛的聚光灯,她认为把新专辑用自己的名字命名无疑是让歌迷重新认识自己的最佳办法。这个专辑绝对是送给女性的,她说:“这个专辑的主题就是女性。” LaToya Luckett在当地的教堂里唱歌长大,他的父亲也是一名歌手,他告诉大家女儿有唱歌的天赋,于是LeToya有机会在5岁时就在教堂里开始独唱。后来她加入了儿童合唱团,在上小学时就开始表演戏剧,在那里她遇到了碧昂斯并于1993年加入了真命天女组合。 作为音乐史上最成功的少女组合之一的原创成员,LaToya合作编写和表演了乐队的畅销曲目Bills Bills Bills和Say My Name。 2000年,就在乐队将发布其第三张专辑前不久,LaToya离开了乐队。随后她和另一名成员以及乐队的经理碧昂斯的父亲马修之间爆发了一场司法大战,媒体对此的报道也是很多。 这场官司最终和解,LaToya也得以从乐队那里得到所有出售的专辑的版税。但很长一段时间,她都无法摆脱乐队的阴影。她说:“我总是告诉别人,我有自己的名字,但人家总是问我,‘你不就是那个真命天女的女孩吗?’现在人们终于知道我的名字了。” 在退出乐队后,她在休斯敦开了自己的时装店,后来她和碧昂斯也和好了。她说现在对于前乐队队友并没有什么成见,她说:“她们正在做她们的事情,她们在好莱坞拥有了一颗星,也有了这么多白金专辑,我为她们感到自豪。她们很努力,我现在是她们的歌迷。最近我们见了面,相互庆祝了一下。我们都长大了,都在为实现自己的梦想而努力。” Part of the original lineup of the superstar group Destiny's Child, LeToya Luckett, who as a solo artist chose to go by her first name only, didn't just sit around after she and Latavia Roberson left the group shortly after the release of 1999's The Writing's on the Wall (neither singer was seen in the "Say My Name" video, which came as a surprise to both of them). She started up another group with Roberson, Anjel, which dissolved before a record ever came out, opened up an upscale boutique in her hometown of Houston, TX, and lived briefly in Los Angeles, where she signed to Capitol in 2003. Her first promotional single, "U Got What I Need," was released in 2004, followed the next year by "All Eyes on Me" (that same year LeToya also appeared on the Coach Carter soundtrack with her song "What Love Can Do"). In the spring of 2006 "Torn" hit radios, and in July her self-titled debut -- which contained all of the singles she had previously released -- finally came out. 更多>>