Everything Remains: As It Never Was
Evocation I: The Arcane Dominion
Eluveitie是那种真正可以给人“眼前一亮”的乐队,他们在粗糙原始的Pagan Metal的坯体上用轻柔跳跃的Celtic Folk抹上了浓浓的一笔。 Eluveitie是正宗的赫尔维氐(即Helvatia,欧洲古国民称,现瑞士,凯尔特民族的一个重要分支)民族的后裔,多达10人的团队编制足以体现出音乐的丰富性,除了风笛(Bagpipe)、哨(Low & Tin Whistle)、爱尔兰长笛(Irish Flute)、小提琴(Fiddle)等凯尔特民族乐器之外,甚至有些乐器的名字从未耳闻。 Eluveitie组建于2002年,乐队的名字翻译成中文就是“我是赫尔维氐人”,一看便知是一支民族情结非常重的乐队。 2007年发布过乐队的首张专辑《Spirit》,首张专辑就让他们大受欢迎好评如潮。Eluveitie现在的势头真是无比强劲,相信他们已经成为了不少异教民谣金属心中的最爱。2008年才刚刚开始乐队就带了他们最新专辑。封面上在巍峨的雪下之下,一个小孩拿着长长的圣剑,让这张专辑充满了浓烈的战斗气息。音乐自然不用多说,依然保持了乐队首张专辑中宏伟大气旋律悠扬的风格。 手拿绞弦琴(手摇风琴,Hurdy-Gurdy )的女乐手Anna Murphy;手拿古提琴的女乐手和声Meri Tadic;爱尔兰六孔木笛,六孔小笛的男乐手Sevan Kirder;还有那个六孔小笛,爱尔兰风笛(尤利安笛),原声吉他,宝思兰鼓(Bodhrán)的男和声,男乐手Chrigel Glanzmann. Swiss folk metal band Eluveitie incorporates folk instrumentation such as hurdy gurdy, flute, and pipes into an otherwise traditional death metal style, also adding a pagan element channeled through lyrics in the Gaulish language (a dead language in the Celtic family that predated Latin throughout Western Europe). The band is comprised of Chrigel Glanzmann (vocals), Ivo Henzi (guitar), Siméon Koch (guitar), Rafi Kirder (bass), Anna Murphy (hurdy gurdy), Meri Tadic (violin), Sevan Kirder (whistles, flute, gaita), and Merlin Sutter (drums). Formed in 2002 by vocalist Chrigel Glanzmann (formerly of the bands Môr Cylch and Dornwald), the band began as a one-off studio project resulting in the self-financed EP Vên in 2003. The EP was well received in the underground metal community, and so Glanzmann and company decided to carry the Eluveitie project forward, becoming a genuine band. In 2004 Eluveitie made their live performance debut and signed a recording contract with the Dutch label Fear Dark Records, which released an updated version of the Vên EP. In 2005 the band toured with fellow Fear Dark bands Slechtvalk, Random Eyes, and Pantokrator and made plans to release their debut album, recording it at the end of the year. Released in 2006 on Fear Dark Records, Spirit marks the band's full-length debut. In support of the album, Eluveitie toured Europe with the German band Odroerir, including a co-headlining performance at the 2006 Fear Dark festivals and also a performance at the 2007 Ragnarök Festival in Germany. In late 2007 Eluveitie signed a recording contract with the German label Nuclear Blast, one of the genre's premier musical outlets, and released their second full-length album, Slania, in 2008. The album became a Top 40 hit on the Swiss albums chart. 更多>>