oceanship简介:也许有人对这个名字有一些些印象,他们曾经来过中国演出,这支来自加拿大的男女二人乐队,男生Brad Lyons负责吉他与主唱,而自幼学习钢琴的Carly Paradis自然负责键盘的演奏。对音乐高度敏感的Carly从9岁起就开始了创作,过了很多年之后,她遇到了Brad,于是,仿佛是命中注定,有了Oceanship。在2005年,他们发行了自己的同名EP,之后的两年在中国巡演,积累现场经验,他们又花费了2年时间来制作和录音Brad Lyons - Waterdown Ontario, Canada Brad crumbled during his first week at the University of Waterloo. After having visited every faculty and finding no relief, he decided that what he enjoyed doing above all else was singing – something he’d been doing all his life. Having no on stage experience, Brad ran an ad in Waterloo and Cambridge papers that read, "Experienced Singer Seeks Band". Two universities and three bands later he met Carly. Carly Paradis - Stoney Creek Ontario, Canada Carly crumbled at a much earlier age. By age four she was playing piano. By age nine she was writing her own music. She played and wrote primarily on her own for over a decade while waiting for the right collaborator. Three universities and two pianos later she met Brad. In 2005 Oceanship released their self-titled EP, and in 2006/2007, toured China extensively. Oceanship spent the majority of 2007/2008 producing and recording their first full length album available 2009. 更多>>