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艺 人:Tricarico
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◎以自传式的吟游唱作闻名米兰才子最新专辑 ◎曾于义大利音乐奖上抱走“年度最佳歌曲”的吟游创作才子 ◎睽违四年之久推出第三张大碟,空降义大利流行排行榜Top8位置 ◎受到义大利年度重要音乐祭典Festival di Sanremo 2008的评审团最爱之”Vita tranquilla”,坐上Top4席次 出生义大利米兰全名Francisco Tricarico的Tricarico,三岁时,担任飞行员的父亲因执勤时发生意外而逝世,小Tricarico为了躲避悲伤,就逃到音乐的世界中忘却不愉快,自此也培养出Tricarico对音乐的敏锐度和才华。成年后,加入家乡的爵士乐团磨练经验,2000顺利发行第一支单曲”Io Sono Francesco”,以自传式的吟游唱法令人耳目一新,也填上西班牙词以”Yo soy Francisco”之名出版,不仅拿下冠军席次、获得白金唱片认证,更风光于义大利音乐奖上抱走“年度最佳歌曲”,2002年的首张同名专辑《Tricarico》,登记流行排行第29名。2004年再接再厉问市的第二张作品《Frescobaldo nel recinto》,依然引起广大好评回响。 Tricarico花了四年时间沉淀自己,不断累积创作的推出第三张大碟《Giglio》,空降排行Top8位置,成为入行以来最优商业佳绩。踩着轻快步伐的开场曲”Oroscopo”,琴键轻巧弹奏回荡于摇滚的架构中,搭配Tricarico漫不经心的念唱方式诠释,颇值得你再三玩味;受到义大利年度重要音乐祭典Festival di Sanremo 2008的评审团最爱之”Vita tranquilla”,坐上Top4席次,勾引出最耐听之顺畅舒缓的线条;有趣轻盈的”Pomodoro”,像位音乐大顽童开心的展现如万花筒般七彩摇摆气流,是支让你嘴角上扬的推荐佳作;新式民谣风格的”Cosa vuoi adesso”、”Il mio amico”,藏着暖色系聆听触感,如同一位都市说书人般,那样自然且随性,同样揭露Tricarico强烈自我的独特调性。 One of the most intriguing and peculiar personalities to emerge from the Italian music scene in the 2000s, Francesco Tricarico was born in Inzago, near Milan, on February 1, 1971, the son of an aviator who died when Francesco was just three. Tricarico studied flute at the Milan music academy and then started playing in some local jazz orchestras. His first single, "Io Sono Francesco," a touching autobiographical childhood story, was released in September 2000; thanks to its simple electronic layers and catchy melody and words, it immediately became a hit, gaining massive airplay and topping the Italian charts. "Drago" and "La Pesca" followed in 2001, confirming Tricarico's unique artistic naïveté but failing to repeat "Io Sono Francesco"'s success. Then, in spite of declaring that he would release only singles, in 2002 Tricarico completed his first album, simply called Tricarico and including all the aforementioned tracks. A collaboration with musicians and producers Patrick Benifei and Fabio Merigo led to the release of his sophomore effort, Frescobaldo nel Recinto, in 2004. The following year, Tricarico wrote "Solo per Te," the closing titles theme for Leonardo Pieraccioni's movie Ti Amo in Tutte le Lingue del Mondo, in which he also played a small role. Having moved from Universal to Sony BMG, in 2007 Tricarico released a new single, "Un'Altrra Possibilità," and composed the song "La Situazione Non È Buona" for Adriano Celentano's album Dormi Amore, la Situazione Non È Buona. In February 2008, Tricarico took part in the Sanremo Music Festival with the song "Vita Tranquilla," which won the Critics Choice Award and became his most successful single since "Io Sono Francesco," leading the album Giglio to high placement on the Italian charts. 更多>>

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