King Creosote实际上指得就是Kenny Anderson,一位词曲作家,曾经给一些管弦乐团担任过词曲写作,但是渐渐地他发现他所写的这些歌对于他所服务之的管弦乐团来说已经不足够民谣味和蓝草风格时,他就将自己变成了King Creosote。Anderson有一些自己对于音乐的观点,如他认为:歌曲比风格来得更加重要;歌曲演绎水平比录音质量水平来得重要等,所以他所作的音乐颇为耐听,这张唱片即是如此。 Scottish singer/songwriter Kenny Anderson is King Creosote, who has also been a part-time member of Magnetophone and U.N.P.O.C., and has performed with Adem. He had previously been the vocalist for Skuobhie Dubh Orchestra and Khartoum Heroes. Anderson has released two dozen CD-Rs on his own label, Fence, a collective assembled along with brothers Een (aka Pip Dylan) and Gordon (aka Lone Pigeon). In 2003 Domino pressed the first proper album Kenny and Beth's Musakal Boatrides, followed in 2005 by Rocket D.I.Y. 更多>>