Red Light Company是一支组建于伦敦的5人乐队,2007年的一天,主唱Richard最先在网上发起了一则广告,迅速得到了Shawn(贝司手)的回复支持,于是千里迢迢从怀俄明前往伦敦,寻找剩下的成员.之后,他们跟着Editors和Kaiser Chiefs各地巡演,在2008年发表了3首单曲,并将于今年3月发行他们的首张专辑.专辑还没发行,就已经被HMV,NME预测为今年最有潜力的乐队之一,同时,也被一些媒体拿他们和U2,Editors和Arcade Fire做比较,这些都足见他们的实力非同小可了.编曲有些复古,主唱的嗓音略带沧桑感 Formed in 2007 around the talents of Richard Frenneaux (vocals/guitar), Shawn Day (bass), James Griffiths (drums), Paul Mellon (guitar), and Chris Edmonds (keyboards), the London-based indie rock outfit Red Light Company crank out emotional, arena rock-sized anthems in the vein of the Killers, Arcade Fire, and the Editors. Hailing from England, Wales, Scotland, Australia, the United States, and Japan, the globetrotting group released the singles "With Lights Out," "Meccano," and "Scheme Eugene" in 2008, with plans for a full-length in 2009. 更多>>