Dave Stewart是当代音乐界最受尊崇的音乐人之一。他多才多艺,涉足多个媒体领域,创作了大量优秀的 音乐、电影以及摄影作品。 在25年的职业生涯中,Dave与Annie Lennox搭档组建的Eurythmics唱片销量累积达750万张,并于1999年被“全英音乐奖”授予终身成就奖。从2000年起,Dave还与众多世界知名音乐人士共同创作歌曲,如Bono、Bryan Ferry、Gwen Stefani、Anastacia和Shakira等。由于Dave同时也是一名优秀的吉他手,他还与BB. King、U2、Eric Clapton、Bruce Springsteen、Mick Jagger和Bob Dylan等人合作演出。Dave曾4次荣获英国最佳制作人奖、5次获英国最佳作曲家奖、和多次格莱美奖、音乐电视奖和欧洲奖。另外,Dave还获得银色音符终身成就奖以及全英音乐特别奖。 Dave也是一名广受赞誉的电影音乐人。他和老朋友Mick Jagger一起,为Charles Shyer导演、Jude Law主演的电影《阿尔菲》(Alfie)所作的插曲,一举拿下金球奖的最佳原创音乐奖、美国影评人协会奖和世界电影配乐奖。 作为一名职业摄影师,Dave的成就也是有目共睹的。他拍过很多竞选广告和杂志封面,并为英国政府和英国广告行业作过很多创意讲座。在巴黎现代艺术博物馆、纽约惠特尼博物馆和伦敦撒切尔画廊,他都举办过个人作品展或团体展。 不仅如此,Dave还是一名有着强烈社会责任感的音乐家。在2003年,他获前南非总统曼德拉的邀请,参与帮助世界上对抗艾滋病的斗争。曼德拉给了Dave他在监狱服刑时的号码46664,用作为对抗艾滋病进行筹款,Dave更因此与Bono、 Queen等乐坛中坚份子举办了一场南非最大的音乐会。Dave现在居住在洛杉矶,他在那里开设了一个新的媒体公司“大众娱乐武器”(Weapons of Mass Entertainment)。最近,他还被聘为美国加利福尼亚州奥林匹克委员会首席创意顾问。 Best known as one-half of the groundbreaking synth-pop duo Eurythmics, Dave Stewart was also a highly successful producer and, on occasion, a solo artist. David A. Stewart (as he also sometimes was credited on record) was born September 9, 1952 in Sunderland, England; the product of an upper-middle class family, he enjoyed his first taste of musical success during the early 1970s while fronting the band Longdancer. The group seemed poised for big things after signing to Elton John's Rocket Records, but they quickly fizzled out; Stewart soon resurfaced in a variety of short-lived groups, and eventually began writing songs with friend Peet Coombes. In the late 1970s he was also introduced to an aspiring singer named Annie Lennox; the two became lovers, and with Coombes they formed a group dubbed the Tourists, issuing a trio of new wave-influenced LPs between 1979 and 1980. When the Tourists came to a halt in late 1980, Stewart and Lennox's romance ended as well; they agreed to continue their musical partnership, however, rechristening themselves Eurythmics. Their soulful synth-pop sound was created solely via Stewart's technological mastery, capped off by Lennox's powerful vocals; after the title track of 1983's Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) became an international smash, Eurythmics rose to become one of the 1980s' most successful and innovative artists, scoring such major hits as 1984's "Here Comes the Rain Again," 1985's "Would I Lie to You?" and 1986's "Missionary Man." In 1985, Stewart also scored his first outside success as a producer, working on Aretha Franklin's comeback album Who's Zoomin' Who; that same year, he also helmed Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers' hit Southern Accents. In the years to follow, he went on to produce music for Mick Jagger, Bob Dylan and the Neville Brothers. By the end of the 1980s, Eurythmics' popularity was on the decline, and after 1989's We Too Are One failed to recapture the magic of their earlier work, they essentially disbanded, with only a hits compilation and a live LP to follow. Stewart, who in 1987 had married Bananarama/Shakespear's Sister vocalist Siobhan Fahey, initially turned to soundtrack work, scoring Lily Was Here in 1989; a year later, he put together a new band, the Spiritual Cowboys, with ex-Pretenders drummer Martin Chambers. Sporting a more atmospheric, guitar-driven sound than his previous work, the Spiritual Cowboys issued two albums, a 1990 self-titled effort and 1991's Honest, neither of which caught on with audiences. Stewart then spent the next several years in relative silence, accepting a few production jobs but otherwise staying out of the limelight. In 1995, he finally issued his proper solo debut, Greetings From the Gutter.
The Dave Stewart Songbook Vol. 1