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Nappy Roots

艺 人:Nappy Roots
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人们说Nappy Roots是智者的组合,当然这话的意思是说来自Nappy Roots的六个小伙子都有着同样的经历,这件事说来话长。1995年,同在肯塔基州的西部小城Bowling Green的西肯塔基大学的六个在校生组成了南方说唱组合——Nappy Roots,其中四个成员在肯塔基州出生长大,他们分别是Skinny DeVille、B. Stille、Ron Clutch和Big V;此外,另两个人则是在奥克兰出生的R. Prophet和Milledgeville。最初的时候,Nappy Roots在本地的一家名叫“ET音乐”的唱片店的地下录音室中进行音乐创作,并于1998年自行出版了他们首张专辑作品《Country Fried Cess》。得益于这张Demo一样的专辑引得主流公司Atlantic的注意,也就有了Nappy Roots日后入主Atlantic后发表的两张精彩的专辑。 2002年春天,Nappy Roots发表了来到主流唱片公司后的第一张专辑《Watermelon, Chicken and Gritz》,其中轻松简单的歌词以及甜腻流行的音乐很快便捕捉了大量忠实的追随者。它有着来自西岸的强烈的Beats以及Dirty South景线中常见的话题,入流的音乐和流行化的包装手法让Nappy Roots没有不红的道理。乐团中的六个人各有分工,专辑中除去Skit的十七首主要作品在商业上几乎无可挑剔,它们有着整齐的统一感,是南部说唱今年来成功的典范之一。颇有些类似Goodie Mobs的首张《Soul Food》或是日后大红的Outkasts。乘胜追击,2003年新作《Wooden Leather》火热上市,机巧的Nappy Roots前途不可限量。 by John Bush Country and proud of it, Nappy Roots formed in 1995 around a sextet of students attending Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green. Four members of the group were Kentucky natives (Skinny DeVille, B. Stille, Ron Clutch, and Big V), bolstered by a pair of Oakland-born transplants (R Prophet and Milledgeville). Nappy Roots began making music together at a local record shop-cum-studio named ET's Music, and released their full-length debut Country Fried Cess in 1998. Drawn to the group's distinctive twist on Southern bounce, the major labels began flocking, and they eventually signed to Atlantic. Their label debut, Watermelon, Chicken and Gritz, was released in 2002, and the follow-up Wooden Leather followed one year later.

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