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The Metros

艺 人:The Metros
名 称:


年轻气盛是现在英国所有新青年乐队所具备的基本气质,含量多的乐队做出来的音乐就越疯狂,越大胆。像The Metros这种喜欢一段一段的来组合音乐,他们的音乐绝对谈不上什么连贯和流畅。这种断断续续的节奏很显然已经成了 The Metros 用来炫耀的基本条件,演唱也是,新时代时期的复古风贯穿着整张专辑,从这样的节奏,这样的演唱来看,The Metros 的现场绝对足够火暴,足够随意,随性演唱的主唱Saul Adamczewski 在现场有着绝对自己发挥的潜力。“Talk About It ”的Music Video竟然用疯狂奔跑来完整MV内容,所以说呢,The Metros这样的专辑很适合处于躁动时期的青年,张扬,暴动。谁让年轻就是资本呢。 Signed to James Endeacott's 1965 Records when all five members of the band were under 18, The Metros cite influences asdiverse as Squeeze, Ian Dury and The Beastie Boys. More Money, Less Grief was preceded by several strong demos producedby Ian Dury's son, Baxter. The Metros have been described as 'Punk 'n' Roll Urchins' and are known for their rowdy behaviour, after being kicked of a tour with The Metros have beendescribed as 'Punk 'n' Roll Urchins' and are known for their rowdy behaviour, after being kicked of a tour with The Coral for smashing a bottle into the crowd.

关于 The Metros 的留言板

The Metros 的热门专辑

本页提供的是 The Metros 的相关歌曲资料, 歌手 The Metros 明星档案, The Metros的图片资料。