Good Things End (GTE) consists of three brothers, Iwan, Cyriel, Dave and their sister Colette Schiphorst. The first name of the band was SCED , in those days the band consisted of the three brothers and was mainly playing covers from bands like Guano Apes, System of a Down and Skunk Anansi. Knowing they needed a lead singer they asked their sister Colette. After persuading her to join the band things started to go fast . The band started writing their own songs and develop their own sound . The name was changed to Good Things End. The reason their first demo was directly noticed by TMF and 3FM must have been the driving contagious energy in Colette’s voice. Both stations found the demo promising. TMF decided to let them make a video clip, which was for weeks on end to see on TMF and MTV and the Internet. On advise of 3FM the demo “I Know “ was recorded again by producer Oscar Holleman (Within Temptation and Krezip). Beginning 2007 pummel records and Universal Music signed the band and released their first single “ I Know” Within a month after the release of the single it became a 3FM Mega Hit and a TMF super clip. Because of this airplay, now not only on local stations but also on the major radio and television networks the single gained the 12e position in the Dutch Mega Top 50.