Whitney Houston(惠特尼.休斯顿)

艺 人:Whitney Houston(惠特尼.休斯顿)
名 称:


Whitney Houston 由崛起到现在,不过17个年头,出色的音乐天赋,独特的气质,坚强的个性,使成为国际巨星。她屹立歌坛,涉足电影,引领时尚,不断将自己推向一个又一个的高降,是每个星梦者的目标。 Whitney 1985 年推出首张大碟,虽然当时唱片封面上的 whitney 是十分土著的黑人打扮,但人们从“Saving all my for you”的MTV看到了她的表演潜质。并完全为她宽广的音域、饱满的声音所倾倒。销量是14,000,000张。 1987年 Whitney 推出同名大碟,这时的她以自信成熟姿态出现,在活跃轻松的“I wanna dance with somebody”和节奏强劲的“Emotion”大获全胜之余,温柔的慢板作品完全呈现了她作为黑人独有的soul灵音乐气质,是她歌路的延展和补足。 随后的几张唱片成绩并不理想。Whitney知道要在歌坛上再次闪烁光芒,需要等待机会。这机会终于来临了,与劲敌 Mariah Carey联手配唱电影插曲“When you believe”。Whitney 与 Mariah的不和是人所皆知的, 不单因为两人是音域宽广、善唱高音的对手,更多的因为大家处世办事的迥异。 为了市场的利益在唱片公司的说服下,两大巨星破天方第一次也可能是只此一次的合作,成绩是肯定的。 跟上潮流,永不落伍是乐坛长青的要诀, Whitney 深懂得这一点。近年的歌坛是黑人音乐的天下,Lauryn Hill独揽也多个格林美音乐大奖, 一下子点醒了 Whitney。虽然 Lauryn 是音乐才华横溢,但 Whitney 与她除了声线的差异外,有哪一点不如她?天生的灵曲感觉,加上多年累积的明星效应就不信玩不转。“我要再次成功” Whitney 坚定地说。于是我们见到了这张专辑“My Love is your love”,虽然里面了那首“When you believe”, 你会发觉该曲动听的旋律与整个专辑重视节奏、忽视旋律的做法是格格不入, 无他,那就是潮流。 美国时间2012年2月11日下午3点55在Beverly Hilton酒店被宣布死亡。死因尚未清楚。 惠特妮·休斯顿(英文名:Whitney Houston)是位曾获得格莱美奖的美国R&B歌手、演员、作曲家、电影制作人与并曾担任模特。她以强而有力的嗓音、一字多转音的感染力与宽广的音域为世人所熟知,并成为流行天后。惠特妮在全世界有超过一亿八千万张专辑的销售纪录。根据吉尼斯世界纪录,惠特妮是获奖最多的女歌手(获奖415次,提名562次)。 死因:惠特尼被发现死于浴缸中 可能溺死 据国外媒体TMZ消息,惠特尼休斯顿去世时被发现死于浴缸中,因此有溺死的可能。警方搜查惠特尼的房间发现有各种药瓶,暂无发现违禁药品。此外,也没发现惠特尼房内饮酒证据。现在遗体已经被运出房间,将被送往停尸间鉴定死因。 家人:惠特尼女儿与警方起冲突 惠特尼的女儿bobbi kristina和警方起了很大的争执。警方封锁了她母亲的房间,在她赶到时,她已经不被允许进入母亲的房间,而伤痛,愤怒的她,对着警察大叫。 前夫闻噩耗泣不成声 惠特尼·休斯顿的前夫鲍比·布朗听闻她去世的消息后泣不成声,他自己的乐队New Edition的成员正在安抚他的情绪。 【各界缅怀】    格莱美官方发声明悼念 关于惠特尼·休斯顿的不幸辞世,格莱美奖的举办方美国录音艺术科学院(Recording Academy)也已经正式发文进行哀悼。哀悼声明中写道:“6次格莱美奖获得者惠特尼·休斯顿是这个世界上最伟大的流行歌手之一,过去的30年间,她那强有力的声音给人留下了很多难忘的时刻,留下了很多屡获殊荣的歌曲。今天,我们音乐界的一盏明灯熄灭了,我们向她的家人、朋友、歌迷以及所有被她美妙歌声所感动的人,致以最深切的慰问。” 众星微博怀念一代歌后 惠特妮·休斯顿去世在欧美乐坛引发了巨大的震动,贾斯汀·比伯、克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉、蕾哈娜、玛丽亚·凯莉、妮琪·米娜、伊娃、萨顶顶、谭咏麟等知名歌手和各界名人也通过微博第一时间悼念她。 “绝望主妇”伊娃·朗格利亚:(听到惠特妮·休斯顿去世的消息)“我的心都碎了。” 玛丽亚·凯莉(Mariah Carey):“我真心地向惠特尼的家人和她的百万粉丝们表示深深的遗憾。她美妙震撼大地的声音将永远长留我们心中。” 贾斯汀·比伯(justin bieber)说:“我刚刚听到这个消息。实在是太不可思议了。世上最美妙的声音之一刚刚离我们而去了。深切悼念惠特尼休斯顿。我为她的朋友和家人祈祷。” 萨顶顶:“whitney houston去世了,死因不明,医生说她长期滥用药物,实在悲哀!乐坛的遗憾!” 张靓颖:“又一段歌声随风而不去,悬浮于尘世,回荡在记忆中...” 谭咏麟:“R.I.P.Whitney Houston 。We'll always love you!” Whitney Houston is inarguably one of the of the biggest female pop stars of all time. Her accomplishments as a hitmaker are extraordinary; just to scratch the surface, she became the first artist ever to have seven consecutive singles hit number one, and her 1993 Dolly Parton cover "I Will Always Love You" became nothing less than the biggest hit single in rock history. Houston was able to handle big adult contemporary ballads, effervescent, stylish dance-pop, and slick urban contemporary soul with equal dexterity; the result was an across-the-board appeal that was matched by scant few artists of her era, and helped her become one of the first black artists to find success on MTV in Michael Jackson's wake. Like many of the original soul singers, Houston was trained in gospel before moving into secular music; over time, she developed a virtuosic singing style given over to swooping, flashy melodic embellishments. The shadow of Houston's prodigious technique still looms large over nearly every pop diva and smooth urban soul singer — male or female — in her wake, and spawned a legion of imitators (despite some critics' complaints about over-singing). Always more of a singles artist, Houston largely shied away from albums during the '90s, releasing the bulk of her most popular material on the soundtracks of films in which she appeared. By the end of the decade, she'd gone several years without a true blockbuster, yet her status as an icon was hardly diminished. Whitney Elizabeth Houston was born in Newark, NJ, on August 9, 1963; her mother was gospel/R&B singer Cissy Houston, and her cousin was Dionne Warwick. By age 11, Houston was performing as a soloist in the junior gospel choir at her Baptist church; as a teenager, she began accompanying her mother in concert (as well as on the 1978 album Think It Over), and went on to back artists like Lou Rawls and Chaka Khan. Houston also pursued modeling and acting, appearing on the sitcoms Gimme a Break and Silver Spoons. Somewhat bizarrely, Houston's first recording as a featured vocalist was with Bill Laswell's experimental jazz-funk ensemble Material; their 1982 album One Down placed Houston alongside such unlikely avant-gardists as Archie Shepp and Fred Frith. The following year, Arista president Clive Davis heard Houston singing at a nightclub and offered her a record contract. Her first single appearance was a duet with Teddy Pendergrass, "Hold Me," which missed the Top 40 in 1984. Houston's debut album, Whitney Houston, was released in March 1985. Its first single, "Someone for Me," was a flop, but the second try, "You Give Good Love," became Houston's first hit, topping the R&B charts and hitting number three pop. Houston's next three singles — the Grammy-winning romantic ballad "Saving All My Love for You," the brightly danceable "How Will I Know," and the inspirational "The Greatest Love of All" — all topped the pop charts, and a year to the month after its release, Whitney Houston hit number one on the album charts. It eventually sold over 13 million copies, making it the best-selling debut ever by a female artist. Houston cemented her superstar status on her next album, Whitney; despite the unimaginative title, it became the first album by a female artist to debut at number one, and sold over nine million copies. Its first four singles — "I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)" (another Grammy winner), "Didn't We Almost Have It All," "So Emotional," and "Where Do Broken Hearts Go" — all hit number one, an amazing, record-setting run of seven straight (broken by "Love Will Save the Day"). In late 1988, Houston scored a Top Five hit with the non-LP single "One Moment in Time," recorded for an Olympics-themed compilation album. Houston returned with her third album, I'm Your Baby Tonight, in 1990; a more urban-sounding, R&B-oriented record, it immediately spun off two number one hits in the title track and "All the Man That I Need." But the quality of the material was generally viewed as, overall, much weaker than her previous efforts, and following those two hits, sales of the album tapered off quickly, halting around four million copies. Nevertheless, Houston remained so popular that she could even take a recording of "The Star Spangled Banner" (performed at the Super Bowl) into the pop Top 20 — though, of course, the Gulf War had something to do with that. In retrospect, the erratic quality of I'm Your Baby Tonight seemed to signal Houston's declining interest in making fully fleshed-out albums. Instead, she began to focus on an acting career, which she hadn't pursued since her teenage years; she also married singer Bobby Brown in the summer of 1992. Her first feature film, a romance with Kevin Costner called The Bodyguard, was released in late 1992; it performed well at the box office, helped by an ad campaign which seemingly centered around the climactic key change in Houston's soundtrack recording of the Dolly Parton-penned "I Will Always Love You." In fact, the ad campaign undoubtedly helped "I Will Always Love You" become the biggest single in pop music history. It set new records for sales (nearly five million copies) and weeks at number one (14), although those were later broken by Elton John's "Candle in the Wind 1997" and Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men's "One Sweet Day," respectively. Meanwhile, the soundtrack eventually sold an astounding 16 million copies, and also won a Grammy for Album of the Year. Once Houston had stopped raking in awards and touring the world, she prepared her next theatrical release, the female ensemble drama Waiting to Exhale. A few months before its release at the end of 1995, it was announced that she and Brown had split up; however, they called off the split just a couple months later, and rumors about their tempestuous relationship filled the tabloids for years to come. Waiting to Exhale was released toward the end of the year, and the first single from the soundtrack, "Exhale (Shoop Shoop)," topped the charts; the album sold over seven million copies. For her next project, Houston decided to return to her gospel roots; the soundtrack to the 1996 film The Preacher's Wife, which naturally featured Houston in the title role, was loaded with traditional and contemporary gospel songs, plus guest appearances by Houston's mother, Shirley Caesar, and the Georgia Mass Choir. Houston also began making headlines for what appeared to be increasing unreliability, cancelling several TV and concert appearances due to illness. In 1998, Houston finally issued a new full-length album, My Love Is Your Love, her first in eight years. Houston worked with pop/smooth soul mainstays like Babyface and David Foster, but also recruited hip-hop stars like Missy Elliott, Wyclef Jean, Lauryn Hill, and Q-Tip. The album sold even fewer copies than I'm Your Baby Tonight, but it received Houston's most enthusiastic reviews in quite some time. Moreover, it produced one of her biggest R&B chart hits (seven weeks at number one) in the trio number "Heartbreak Hotel," done with Faith Evans and Kelly Price. She also duetted with Mariah Carey on "When You Believe," a song from the animated film The Prince of Egypt. Unfortunately, Houston was also back in the tabloids in early 2000; she was arrested in Hawaii when airline authorities reportedly found marijuana in her luggage (the charges were later dismissed). Speculation about Houston's personal life only grew when she was dropped from the Academy Awards telecast that March, officially because of a sore throat, but reputedly due to poor rehearsals and a generally out-of-it air. Later in the year, Arista released the two-disc compilation Greatest Hits, which actually featured one disc of hits and one of remixes; it also included new duets with Enrique Iglesias, George Michael, and Deborah Cox. It was also announced that Houston had signed a new deal with Arista worth $100 million, requiring six albums from the singer. Her personal issues became even more public through the reality television series Being Bobby Brown, and she eventually divorced her husband and went into intense rehabilitation. An album of new material was set for release by the end of 2007.

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