ヒロ (Hiro) - Vocalist (ex. MaveRick) 亮平 (Ryouhei) - Guitarist (ex. MaveRick) 翔也 (Shouya) - Guitarist (ex. ジュリエット) けんぢ (Kenji) - Bassist (ex. MaveRick) 真 (Makoto) - Drummer (ex. MaveRick) 小简介 EAT YOU ALIVE is a mixture rock band from Nagoya, Japan. Originally named as MaveRick, the group began to perform under the name EAT YOU ALIVE on June 8th, 2008. Since the band’s name change, both the music and the image of the band have evolved away from the conventional visual kei style. Their new sound and appearance, resembling western nu metal bands, make EAT YOU ALIVE a distinctive band in the visual kei scene.