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Trevor Rabin

艺 人:Trevor Rabin
名 称:


特利弗·拉宾Trevor Rabin1954年1月13日出生于南非。当他12岁上过钢琴课后便开始弹奏吉他。1972年他组建了Rabbit乐队,成为在南非当时众多乐队中比较著名的一支。随后Rabin离开了Rabbit,去伦敦追寻他的独立演奏生涯,并在当时出版过3张独奏唱片。 Rabin1982年搬迁到硌杉矶,在这里,他成为了一支追寻改革的进步乐队YES的成员,并在该乐队的《90125》这张专辑中担任吉他手,键盘手,歌手,作曲家,制作人及录音工程师。 在这张专辑以及后来的《Big Generator》和《Talk》中谱写了大部分的歌曲。他于1994年离开Yes开始了他的电影配乐生涯。 Rabin目前已经创作了像《空中监狱》,《王牌追杀令》,《绝世天劫》,《全民公敌》,《白色杀机》,《深海狂鲨》,《极速60秒》,《冲锋陷阵》,《第六日》,《摇滚姐妹》,《抢钱袋鼠》,《绝地战警2》,《大偷袭》,《驱魔人前传》,《国家宝藏》,《铁血教练》,《空中蛇灾》,《惊涛大冒险》,《空战英豪》等36部电影配乐。 他不仅多次获得格莱美提名和并最终有一次获奖,他还同样赢得了九次BMI的电影配乐奖项,并获得了temecula电影节的终身成就奖。 Trevor Rabin was born in South Africa in 1954. He first began playing guitar at the age of 12 after having had piano lessons since he was a toddler. He formed his first band in 1968, at only 14 years old. After being drafted, Rabin played both guitar and bass in the entertainment unit. He began doing session work after his discharge from the military in 1972. It was also that same year that he hooked up with a group of musicians who began recording as Rabbit. That group recorded a total of two albums over the next few years. By 1978, Rabin had left the group and began releasing solo albums. By 1981, he had released three solo albums and attracted the attention of Chris Squire. Squire, at that time, was fresh out of the recently broken-up Yes. Squire contacted Rabin about joining a new group he was assembling called, Cinema. At that point, Cinema was Squire and Yes drummer Alan White. During the work on their debut album (with original Yes keyboardist Tony Kaye having been added to the lineup), Jon Anderson became involved in the project. After his vocals were added to the music, the group decided that this was really Yes and they made that name change. The resulting album, 90125, became the biggest hit the group has ever had, and the single "Owner of a Lonely Heart" catapulted them onto MTV. Rabin stayed with Yes until 1995, releasing four studio albums during that time (the aforementioned 90125, Big Generator, Union, and Talk). Rabin also found time to release another solo album, Can't Look Away, while still in the group. Since 1995, he has been using the majority of his musical talents on movie soundtracks. He has worked in various capacities on film soundtracks such as Glimmer Man, Enemy of the State, Armageddon, Con Air, and others. He also put in a guest appearance on Rick Wakeman's Return to the Centre of the Earth album.

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