▽ 席卷音乐时尚双领域的四人摇滚新势力 ▽ 最新专辑获Artrocker满分推崇! NME、Drowned In Sound、Clash、MusicOMH、The Fly、Observer Music Monthly一致9/10赞扬;Mojo、Q、Uncut、The Times争相★★★★赞扬 当Post-Punk的尽头最终仅剩型毁崩裂的尸壳,我们仍有These New Puritans的硬骨可以敲打狂放乐章。 英国伦敦Art-Rock/ Post-Punk四人乐队These New Puritans,由主音吉他Jack Barnett,双胞胎兄弟鼓手George Barnett ,贝斯手Thomas Hein 和键琴手Sophie Sleigh Johnson于2005年取曼撤斯特Post-Punk前浪乐队The Fall的歌名成军,自2006年Now Pluvial EP正式出版以来,These New Puritans不论从冷峻口音与乐曲蕴涵的躁动能量,到饱富象征的简约设计,从来都是英国独立摇滚界中最具前卫标新风格的乐队,其后2007年Dior 时装设计师Hedi Slimane 走秀歌曲Navigate,Navigate以及找来Simian Mobile Disco里的一员James Ford录制节奏猛烈的歌曲Elvis等,将TNP原本略带点工业音乐氛围的特质,多了别具异型的跳舞电气。 2008年发表的处男专辑Beat Pyramid里,Wu-Tang Clan的嘻哈元素被Jack Barnett融进辑内,除了让制式英式摇滚延伸出难以推测的抽象魔力,也指引当时英国Post Punk复兴运动的多元方向,部份参与幕后制作和相关圈内的音乐人,更兴立了年轻厂牌如DiscError和Parlour等,Beat Pyramid毫无疑问地竖起乐队成功的标竿,同时涟漪出天马行空的创意音符,影响新世代乐队如SCUM,The Big Pink,The XX等。 来到2010年全新第二张专辑Hidden,TNP的独特乐型更趋进化并展现扬弃吉他旋律为轴线的野心,木管巴松管等管弦与黯黑电子重重合拍,日本民俗器乐与现代古典音乐,进阶将R&B小节反覆至极微的共冶,辑内电影声像感浓烈也完整论述乐队迷离沉郁的美学,而Hidden不但可以优游横跨各个乐派领域,更能彰显TNP大胆表现未来视野的音乐宏图。 by Marisa Brown Hailing from the town of Southend, England, the four-piece These New Puritans play Fall- and PiL-inspired music that also takes on elements of electronica and dance. Comprised of vocalist Jack Barnett (who also plays the guitar and laptop), his twin brother and drummer George, keyboardist Sophie Sleigh-Johnson, and bassist (and man behind the sampler) Thomas Hein, the band formed in 2006, when all the members were still in their teens. Their edgy aesthetic and particular live show (Jack, for example, usually performed wearing a shirt fully buttoned to his neck), soon brought the group attention from the British press, enough that soon-to-be-former Christian Dior designer Hedi Slimane asked Barnett to compose something for his fall 2007 collection for Dior Homme, a piece, "Navigate, Navigate," which was then debuted in Paris in February at the fashion show. In October of that same year, These New Puritans issued an EP, Now Pluvial, on Angular Records. Their first U.S. release. "Navigate, Navigate," came out in America in February 2008, a 12" that acted as a primer for their debut full-length, Beat Pyramid, which emerged the following month.