关于Shannon Wright的故事得先从美国佛罗里达州最大的城市——朴实的杰克逊维尔讲起,那里一度成为美国朋克和独立音乐的圣地,Shannon Wright也正是在那里同两名家乡的贝司手及鼓手组成了她的首支乐队Crowsdell。Indie-Pop乐队Crowsdell的处女作《Dreamette》于1995年在Big Cat唱片公司发行,同在其旗下的还有现在声名远扬的Pavement、Giant Sand、Dirty Three等乐队。颇受赞誉的Crowsdell移居纽约在1997年发表了第二张专辑《Within the Curve of an Arm》,之后迎来的就是一段黑暗的时期,因为同兼并后的唱片公司关系紧张,他们被打入冷宫,之后不得不宣布解散,Shannon Wright也变卖了她几乎全部的物品只身隐居在北卡罗莱纳州nowheresville一处农场的房间里,用从邻居那里借来的钢琴和随身的吉他开始创作。 1999年Shannon Wright的首张个人专辑《Flight Safety》在家庭式唱片公司Quarterstick和Touch and Go发行,平实简约的配器下流淌着深深的忧郁。随后的同Low、Will Oldham、Calexico等乐队的巡演无疑激发了Shannon Wright更多的创造力,她又在阿拉巴马中部隐居起来构建了她的第二张专辑《Maps Of Tacit》,同前张专辑一样,吉他、贝司、鼓、钢琴、键盘等乐器几乎都是由她一人操办,绝望和躁郁的迭加令她那不安的灵魂狂野燃烧。 2001年的《Dyed In The Wool》在Andy Baker和Steve Albini共同制作下呈现出更为丰沛和厚实的情感表达。The Rachel's、Shipping News、The Glands、The Japancakes等乐队成员的配器也使那种无望的巴洛克式民谣撕扯出优美的张力。Steve Albini,这个影响欧美一代独立摇滚的录音师,把Shannon Wright2003年的专辑《Over The Sun》调和得质感十足,Christina Files突出的鼓击和Shannon Wright神经质的嚎叫摧枯拉朽地击碎了这世界最敏感的情怀。与Sleater-Kinney、Nick Cave等知名音乐人的同台也使得Shannon Wright和 Yann Tiersen在2005年合作出版了《Yann Tiersen & Shannon Wright》,令人惊讶的是,两人听似迥异的表达方式却平衡出无可抗拒的凄美乐章。 如果幸福的定义可以具体化,如果漂泊的心魂决定停歇,那我们是否就可以不再悲伤着奢望,抑或微笑着绝望?《Let In The Light》,Shannon Wright这张新专辑里会有答案吗?用“Defy This Love”简单的钢琴敲击怎会引发电影《37°2》的一幕幕场景?难道我们面对爱情所做的一切都是徒劳吗?透明的钢琴、执著的鼓声、哀怨的吉他、轻盈的女声,往复循回着过往的点点滴滴。“St. Pete”在Shipping News 成员Kyle Crabtree轰鸣的鼓击中显得气势磅礴,就像我们永远追索渴求的悸动。“do what you want to,say what you want to say”,一首“ Idle Hands”在钢琴和鼓击的轻声缠绵中透着无奈和感伤。 The onetime frontwoman for the acclaimed indie pop combo Crowsdell, singer/songwriter Shannon Wright was born and raised in Jacksonville, FL. A product of the areas thriving all-ages punk scene, she formed Crowsdell with bassist Paul Howell and drummer Laurie Anne Wall, debuting in 1995 with the underground favorite Dreamette and soon after relocating to New York City. However, when relations with label Big Cat soured in the wake of 1997s Within the Curve of an Arm, the group dissolved, and an embittered Wright sold most of her belongings and moved to rural North Carolina, where she began recording a series of deeply personal, folk-inflected songs to four-track. A handful of solo singles followed before she recorded the full-length Flightsafety, issued on Quarterstick in 1999. Maps of Tacit appeared a year later. Wright released the sparse mini-LP Perishable Goods and the typically eclectic Dyed in the Wool in 2001. In 2004 she put out the tempered and emotionally rich Over the Sun, followed by the equally affecting Let in the Light in 2007.