he story of the "fuge" goes back to the early nineties when leshi love, pain pianowski and carl lost gathered in a practise room to make music together. pretty fast it became obvious in which musical direction everybody wanted to go: influenced by u2, sisters of mercy and the cure they created a melange which was different and new at the same time. this mixture made it impossible to refer them to a certain genre... when "michelle darkness" took over the vocals in 1999 it was it was clear immediately: that was the missing part of the "whole"! michelle's voice and the dark and sad but also rocky songs completed each other perfectly to a beautiful, melancholic sound that almost bursts of catchy tunes and hymns! after two studio recordings (2000 - buried love, 2005 - sleepless sorrows) the band found together again and orientated itself newly. after a long creative break early 2009 the band has met again in the studio, this time in darklandcity directly, to realize new ideas. successfully: with a new name called "BuryMeDeep" SiLVERDUST records will release the new album on june, 26th "...nearly down". one can wonder to see what's coming up...