美国的确是个盛产乡村民谣音乐的好地方,去年Chris Garnuea的出现已经令许多人惊艳一把,而今年来自美国内布拉斯加的Joshua James的首专The Sun Is Always Brighter相信又会燃起一度民谣热.
说实话很佩服Joshua James,不光他是一个创作型歌手,更重要的是他的音乐很亲切很容易感染人,简单但很容易触动那种,这可能取决于以前Joshua James丰富的人生阅历:小小年纪已经离开家园到处旅行,在委内瑞拉停留过很长时间最后返回美国才正式开始他的音乐生涯,从始至终陪伴在Joshua James身边除了孤寂就是他最喜爱的那把结它.沿途的所见所闻都藉由这把结它弹唱成歌声.不难发现Joshua James的歌曲里面经常会透露出那种非常的沧桑感,即使轻快的音乐也很难掩饰的那种沧桑悲凉,但这并不是说Joshua James偏向阴暗偏向消极,只是说明Joshua James需要思考的东西实在太多:黑和白,悲伤与快乐,爱与恨,战争与和平等等,专辑里的很多歌曲都象征着某些主题:The New Love Song唱述越来越物质化爱情观;Geese探究环境问题;Our Brother's Blood则是从儿童的角度看待战争带来的后果...很多歌曲都很有意义!而细味这些歌曲也会发现Joshua James除了向我们传送动人的音符外更多的却是对现实对生活的一些沉思.
Joshua James is an American musician currently based in Portland, Oregon. James released his first full-length album with the Eugene-based band Friedrich's Teeth in the spring of 1996, on London Dog Records. In 1998, James released the E.P. "The Johnny Voodoo Sessions", also on London Dog Records. In the summer of 1999, Old Freight Rail Records released his first full length solo album: Tanked Up and Derailed. After several years of touring the United States with bands such as Possum Dixon, the Old 97's and The Reverend Horton Heat, James released Bullets for the Border in 2004.