乐队成员 Me: Vox, Guitar and Keys, Paul Averitt: Guitar and Bvox, Aaron Haynes: Drums, Scott Lee: Bass MySpace URL: myspace/johnlefler 乐队 cdbaby/cd/lefler John Ralston is an American acoustic/electric guitarist singer and songwriter,has been playing guitar and keys for Dashboard Confessional since early 2002. It is an experience he cherishes, but it was never an outlet for his own songs. So in 2006 he adopted Dallas as his new hometown where he would write and record. In the next few years, between the cracks of Dashboard’s extensive touring, he recorded at Pleasantry Lane studios with Salim Nourallah (Old ‘97’s, Rhett Miller) and Rip Rowan. “Musically, all of my songs are pretty organized. I think this comes from my background in studying science until I decided art was the quickest way to get out of college and to start joining bands.” Although Lefler’s art degree (University of Texas) helped him do the cover art for “Better By Design”, it was his love for songwriting that drove him to make the album. The record features a handful of talented Dallas musicians and cameos from Lefler's Dashboard bandmates. However, it is Lefler’s energy and lyrics that shine throughout. From the ‘power pop’ sound of the title track to the achingly sweet "Lucy" to the haunting lyrics of “Luckier Man” (among other gems) Lefler finds a way to craft a well-rounded and beautifully organized debut.