jeremy moll简介:轻盈韵致的易听小品,不出奇的传统三件式,搭配电子,老套路。潮涌细润活泉般的音乐让你无比舒适,唱腔还是简单耳语式的Indie-pop典范,吉他拨弦融化着整体旋律的明亮通透感,而流转的Chillout式编曲是事半功倍的制胜点,一切处理显得精巧而朴实。Jeremy Moll is a composer, instrumentalist, actor and student. He has worked on a wide range of projects, from playing the timbales in a Mexican salsa band to writing scores for an original high school musical. He is a 2008 graduate of the Delphian School, and he is currently studying music at Linfield College.