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Idan Raichel

艺 人:Idan Raichel
名 称:


Idan Raichel Project由唱作歌手、键盘乐师、音乐制作人Idan Raichel组建,于2002年惊现于以色列乐坛,他们在一个战争和冲突的新闻长期占据着报刊头条的国度,传递着爱与宽容的信息,引起了人们强烈的反响,改变了以色列当今流行音乐的面貌。Idan Raichel Project最大的特色在于那令人心醉的多元融合色彩:传统希伯来语歌词、来自非洲、拉丁美洲、加勒比海和中东的民族音乐加上成熟的电子混音制作技巧、精彩的现场演出。他们如今已成为以色列音乐史上不可思议的传奇。 2008年11月,Idan Raichel Project在以色列国内发行了新专辑Bein Kirot Beiti (Within My Walls),又一次引起轰动。专辑将在2009年初在世界范围内发行。Within My Walls中的大部分曲目都是Idan Raichel在过去几年的旅途中的即兴场合录制,诗意的歌词反映了这些旅行中的见证与沉思。以希伯来语、摩洛哥阿拉伯语、西班牙语、佛得角克里奥尔(白人土著)语和斯瓦西里语等演唱的歌曲,讲述着在一个充满复杂纷争的世界中,个人的成长奋斗和爱的真谛。 专辑是Idan Raichel与众多才华横溢的艺术家们合作的结晶:哥伦比亚歌手Marta Gómez,佛得角才女Mayra Andrade、声线如丝般柔美的卢旺达-乌干达裔歌手Somi、以色列音乐制作人Assaf Dar、中东打击乐师Zohar Fresco、传统木管乐器演奏家Eyal Sela、波斯小提琴(kamancheh)名家Mark Eliyahu、传奇的低音乐器演奏家Alon Nadel等等。他们的灵感共同缔造了这张感人的作品,充溢着富丽的旋律、迷人的诗句、令人惊艳的演唱和精致复杂的编排。 Led by Israeli keyboardist/producer Idan Raichel, the Idan Raichel Project seeks to give voice to the amazingly diverse blend of world cultures that comprise Israel's colorful musical landscape. After time spent with the army rock band in which he cut his teeth, touring and performing for troops all over the nation, Idan took work at a boarding school for immigrant youth. Exposed for the first time to Israel's growing populations of Ethiopian Jews through his students, Idan began to fall in love and identify with Ethiopian folk music. He also found that most of the immigrant boys he worked with were forced to shun the culture of their homeland in desperate hopes of assimilating into mainstream Israeli society. Inspired by this realization, Idan began investing time in learning more about the many immigrant cultures that made up Israel. Hanging out with a wide variety of musicians, Idan hoped to encourage his students and new friends to embrace and live out their native cultural heritage. In the meantime Idan became an established supporting musician, working as a sideman alongside some of the nation's most important pop acts. With his ever-growing number of world musician friends and pop production knowledge, Idan set to recording some of the richly multicultural music he'd begun to create. Over 70 musicians contributed to the demo recording that Raichel used to garner the support he would need for a full-length production. With the support of Helicon Records, the Idan Raichel Project was born, featuring the songwriting and production of Raichel, and musical contributions from an amazingly diverse cast of players. The record created buzz worldwide, showered with praise by some of the industry's most influential voices. It was a breakout success in Israel and throughout the region. Raichel and his group maintained a busy touring schedule in response to their explosive popularity.

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