Previous releases include a 7″ single on Too Pure and an EP, ‘Bred for Skills and Magic’, which were well received by the press, the public and the band’s parents – the latter also being fans of the band’s debut, self-titled album. ‘Copy Haho’ was recorded outside Glasgow at Chemikal Underground’s Chem19 studios – home to recordings by Life Without Buildings, Arab Strap, the Delgados and Mogwai to name but four. Songs: Ohia is another one. Produced with Jamie Savage (The Phantom Band, James Yorkston…) and mixed by Simon Ward of Errors, the band were more-than-keen to avoid the oft-trodden path of ‘throwing together a bunch of our previous songs to form a debut “album”‘, with only two previously heard songs appearing on the record. Two songs that were always meant for the record, at that. Copy Haho took advantage of both those who had left equipment in the studio and those who didn’t mind playing viola in an industrial estate for the day . They went about it in the most charming way possible, it should be noted.
The album is being released on Richard from the band’s own, and brand new, label, Slow Learner. Named after a collection of short stories by Thomas Pynchon, the title continues Copy Haho’s perfection of self-deprecation, whether in their lyrics, live performances or this very press release. Some will be thinking, “it’s been quite a wait for this album”. Well, they’re right, it has been. There are no exciting stories about master tapes thrown into the sea, for example – but do feel free to quote that as “…master tapes thrown into the sea…”. The band are very excited about the amount of times they may have to answer “To be honest, real life things got in the way a bit” to such a query. They’re really just excited about holding copies of their album in their hands, though. As you all should be, too.
如果你喜欢Copy Haho的专辑《Copy Haho》里的歌曲,可以把下面的歌曲连接发给你的朋友:
1.Factory Floor - Copy Haho
2.Earthquake - Copy Haho
3.Wrong Direction - Copy Haho
4.Waiting for Something to Happen - Copy Haho
5.A Winter On the Run - Copy Haho
6.Demons and Gods - Copy Haho
7.Dying Breed - Copy Haho
8.Pestle and Mortar - Copy Haho
9.The Be Good - Copy Haho
10.When It Gets Dark - Copy Haho
11.Accent Changed - Copy Haho