don't cry - 办桌二人组 - 爱着你 (合)心爱的为怎样在流目屎 甘是有什么话讲抹出来 你的心哪是有受着伤害 请不倘放置心内 (龙)对你的心虽然无讲乎你知 (杰)深深的爱只希望你会了解 (龙)对你的情是永远拢抹搁改 (合)爱你到海角天涯 (合)don't cry. cause i never hurt you to make you cry with all of my heart and never say goodbye (龙)你的委屈要讲乎阮知 (合) don't cry. cause i never hurt you to make you
don't cry - 办桌二人组 - 爱着你 (合)心爱的为怎样在流目屎 甘是有什么话讲抹出来 你的心哪是有受着伤害 请不倘放置心内 (龙)对你的心虽然无讲乎你知 (杰)深深的爱只希望你会了解 (龙)对你的情是永远拢抹搁改 (合)爱你到海角天涯 (合)don't cry. cause i never hurt you to make you cry with all of my heart and never say goodbye (龙)你的委屈要讲乎阮知 (合) don't cry. cause i never hurt you to make you