Sea官促 - Music <1st - A Day of Renew> 累邦:脚惑辟 累荤:官促 Siwon EDITed 2003.12.22 Can't stop this Can't stop this *I just can't stop this 澜厩阑 蠢哺毫 瘤陛 捞鉴埃 oh music music know you can't let go 聪啊盔茄扒 I can give it to you take my music 疵 鞍篮 积阿甸肺 啊垫茄 捞 档矫俊 度鞍捞 汝矾啊绰 澜厩篮 饺绢 荐 绝捞 腹篮 老捞 场唱绊 抄 饶俊档 佃绊 酵篮 畴贰啊 绝绰 吧 呈甫 困茄 货肺款 澜厩捞 鞘夸秦 鞍篮 镑阑 焊搁 蠢偿 荐 绝绢 柳何沁带 钎泅捞 澄 弓绢滴绊 乐绢 呈甫 该败毫 come in to me *I just can't stop this 澜厩阑 蠢哺毫 瘤陛 捞鉴埃 oh music music know you can't let go 聪啊盔茄扒 I can give it to you take my music 荤尔捞 场唱搁 澜厩捞 怖 鞘夸秦 绢滴况柳 付澜阑 皑轿绰 羔肺叼 酒公繁 狼固绝捞 何弗 畴罚 酒聪具 唱档 咯矾 锅 稗绢 好绰吧 呈甫 困茄 货肺款 澜厩捞 鞘夸秦 鞍篮 镑阑 焊搁 蠢偿 荐 绝绢 贸澜苞绰 促弗 矫埃 加俊 狐廉靛绰 呈甫 该败毫 come in to me *I just can't stop this 澜厩阑 蠢哺毫 瘤陛 捞鉴埃 oh music music know you can't let go 聪啊盔茄扒 I can give it to you take my music 变 矫埃 加俊 快赴 腹捞 函沁瘤父 I Love you music that 酒悄阑 镭绊辑 抄 促矫 荤尔窍聪鳖~ I just can't stop this (ooh~) 瘤陛 捞鉴埃 (葛电霸 绢力客 葛滴 崔扼脸绢 oh~ yeah~) Know you can't let go I can give it to you take my music I just can't stop this 澜厩阑 蠢哺毫 (yeah~) 瘤陛 捞鉴埃 (康盔洒 捞 鉴埃阑) Know you can't let go oh music music (I wanna be the music in your life) 聪啊 盔茄 扒(oh just a music) I can give it to you take my music (my music~) Made by Siwon