歌手:艾克拜尔 吐尔地
歌词出处: https://www.5nd.com
梦(维语) 编曲:艾克拜尔 吐尔地 李佳 作词:艾克拜尔 吐尔地 演唱:艾克拜尔 吐尔地 梦中寻觅你的倩影 满心期待无处可寻 只有在鲜花丛中询问你的下落 却在芬芳之中慢慢觉醒 繁星是否知晓你的去向 并把我悄悄带到你的身边 把我带入你的梦乡 不要将我丢下 不要让我孤独落寞 请将你的手给我 让我们比翼双飞 为爱执着 你侬我侬 不再失落 一定要思念着我 我会时刻在你身边 没有你在我身边 我就似那孤月悬在天边 即使不知是否能够达成心愿 我也将用我的一生与你陪伴 我发自内心的深爱着你 你能否感受这一世情缘 Dream I search for your shadows in a dream. I'm filled with expectation,but nowhere to look. I search a mongst the flowers for a sign of you, Slowly awakened by the fragrance. Do the stars know of your whereabouts? Can the bring me by your side ? Let me enter your dream,don't leave me behind. Don't let me ba alone,give your hand to me. Let us fly on the wings of love. You and i ,will never be sad again. You must remember me. I will always be by your side. If you are not by my side,I will become just like the lonely moon hanging in the sky . Even though,i don't know if me can fulfill our hearts desires, I will still devote my life to be your companion. From the depths of my heart l love you. Perhaps one day we can make this dream come true.