歌词出处: https://www.5nd.com
分享 词/曲: 雨后蛙JOJO 演唱: 雨后蛙 当我睁开双眼,能看的很远 听风的语言,分享同一片蓝天。 太阳每天都升起,像我们呼吸的空气 无论世界各地我们是否相遇, 我都会感受到你yeah~~ 也许我们没太在意, 搭建着自己的天地, 忽略自己忽略身旁的你, 却没有停下看看自己。 Baby,你是否在意 迷失自己 你是否在意 埋藏在心底 你是否在意已被无尽的麻木占据 Baby,你是否在意~渴望勇气 你是否在意~你和我一起~ 你是否在意 分享彼此的点点滴滴~woo RAP : yeah~~we all love this world, but we still got a lot of work to keep our real lives, I mean,it's not wrong, but sometimes we just feel lonly even despair. and that's why I learned to share something to someone when I upset, it really cheers me up, it won't take much time and it'll do you good. 让我们一起(分享分享分享)每天的烦恼忧伤, 我们(分享分享分享)点滴的进步失望, 我们(分享分享分享)内心的真实感想。 (一起分享)分享美好时光。 (分享分享分享)分享第一屡阳光, 我们(分享分享分享)照进你我的心房, 我们(分享分享分享)分享让我们坚强, (一起分享)分享希望。 RAP 2: yeah~now I can share my love to you, to you,and you,and I want everybody share love to this world, is that alright? cause some people need this love in somewhere, I would,problem is,would you?