Hey sweetie boy あまり醜らないでいい like a candy あまく ゆるく Zるだけでいい like a tasty cherry ゆっくりrgかけてみて 欒屬挿zめて融隼 xさないで do your way Love drip down from us!!! 冱~なんかじゃ擦錣蕕覆 つめ栽うだけじゃ麗怎りない 蛍かるでしょ want you to take off my lip gross to take off my all oh oh oh 仝曚靴討襦垢犬擦┐れない 返の峠の瓩犬穃钁磴蠅覆 蛍かるでしょ want you to take of my all I I I I I I cant stop do it again! Hey spicy boy 富し薦づくでいい like a curry 仭く く すだけでいい like a tasty kimchee ぜんぶをゆだねさせて 房うがまま融隼 欧気覆い do your way Love drip down from us!!! 冱~なんかじゃ擦錣蕕覆 つめ栽うだけじゃ麗怎りない 蛍かるでしょ want you to take off my lip gross to take off my all oh oh oh 仝曚靴討襦垢犬擦┐れない 返の峠の瓩犬穃钁磴蠅覆 蛍かるでしょ want you to take of my all I I I I I I cant stop do it again! every body say J can you hear me say A さぁ峻で S all my bitch say YES mother fucker say M all my boys say I every body say N E just kiss me baby every body say J can you hear me say A さぁ 峻で S I am the Best! yes! do you want my lips? should I shake my hips? I want you to kiss my L.I.P.S. 冱~なんかじゃ擦錣蕕覆 つめ栽うだけじゃ麗怎りない 蛍かるでしょ want you to take off my lip gross to take off my all oh oh oh 仝曚靴討襦垢犬擦┐れない 返の峠の瓩犬穃钁磴蠅覆 蛍かるでしょ want you to take of my all I I I I I I cant stop do it again! every body say J can you hear me say A さぁ峻で S all my bitch say YES mother fucker say M all my boys say I every body say N E just kiss me baby every body say J can you hear me say A さぁ 峻で S I I I I I I cant stop do it again!
Hey sweetie boy あまり醜らないでいい like a candy あまく ゆるく Zるだけでいい like a tasty cherry ゆっくりrgかけてみて 欒屬挿zめて融隼 xさないで do your way Love drip down from us!!! 冱~なんかじゃ擦錣蕕覆 つめ栽うだけじゃ麗怎りない 蛍かるでしょ want you to take off my lip gross to take off my all oh oh oh 仝曚靴討襦垢犬擦┐れない 返の峠の瓩犬穃钁磴蠅覆 蛍かるでしょ want you to take of my all I I I I I I cant stop do it again! Hey spicy boy 富し薦づくでいい like a curry 仭く く すだけでいい like a tasty kimchee ぜんぶをゆだねさせて 房うがまま融隼 欧気覆い do your way Love drip down from us!!! 冱~なんかじゃ擦錣蕕覆 つめ栽うだけじゃ麗怎りない 蛍かるでしょ want you to take off my lip gross to take off my all oh oh oh 仝曚靴討襦垢犬擦┐れない 返の峠の瓩犬穃钁磴蠅覆 蛍かるでしょ want you to take of my all I I I I I I cant stop do it again! every body say J can you hear me say A さぁ峻で S all my bitch say YES mother fucker say M all my boys say I every body say N E just kiss me baby every body say J can you hear me say A さぁ 峻で S I am the Best! yes! do you want my lips? should I shake my hips? I want you to kiss my L.I.P.S. 冱~なんかじゃ擦錣蕕覆 つめ栽うだけじゃ麗怎りない 蛍かるでしょ want you to take off my lip gross to take off my all oh oh oh 仝曚靴討襦垢犬擦┐れない 返の峠の瓩犬穃钁磴蠅覆 蛍かるでしょ want you to take of my all I I I I I I cant stop do it again! every body say J can you hear me say A さぁ峻で S all my bitch say YES mother fucker say M all my boys say I every body say N E just kiss me baby every body say J can you hear me say A さぁ 峻で S I I I I I I cant stop do it again!