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歌手:星球大战:原力释放 所属专辑:游戏 星球大战:原力释放 2插曲 歌曲:The Reunion of Juno and Starkiller mp3 The Reunion of Juno and Starkiller 星球大战:原力释放歌词 歌词出处:5nd音乐网http://www.5nd.com/ting/479050.html
1Main Title and Test Chamber
2Escape from Kamino
3Arrival on Cato Neimoidia
4The Hanging City
5Fighting the Gorog
6Discovering Dagobah and the Cave
7Aboard the Salvation
8Assault on Kamino
9The Reunion of Juno and Starkiller
游戏 星球大战:原力释放 2插曲
1The Hanging City
2Discovering Dagobah and the Cave
3Main Title and Test Chamber
4The Reunion of Juno and Starkiller
5Aboard the Salvation
6Arrival on Cato Neimoidia
7Fighting the Gorog
9Escape from Kamino