Band In Box

姓 名:Band In Box
英文名: Band In Box
国 家:欧美


Band in box is currently working on a new album and healing some wounds. The new rules are no rules at all. That's the rule.
(Previous) rules of the band in box bakery
1: band in box will explore a new instrument each month. December was all about the clarinet I got from the trunk of a highly suspicious man's car. January is devoted to the ukulele. February concentrates on tambourines and March knows how to master a violin. If I don't know anything about playing a specific instrument, neither will I know when I'll make mistakes. Each instrument gets a tune of it's own and each tune will have it's own sound, smell and taste.
2: band in box will, as illustrated by the name, never grow larger than approximately 1.5 x 1.5 metres. Thus, it will always fit in a larger box and I'll never have to learn how to play the double bass.
3: No fake instruments allowed. Never use margarine instead of butter. Never go on a diet.

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